January 28, 2025
The ladies auxiliary surrendered their charter to the Bridgewater Legion branch 24 at the end of 2018 after 71 years of service to the Branch. Members were offered membership with the Legion.
Branch No. 24 Ladies Auxiliary Year 2015
Standing: Left to Right
Audrey Hopkins, Chaplain; Vivian Koukis, Appointed Treasurer; Edythe Bell, Executive Member; Evelyn Dorey, Executive Member; Carol Wile, Executive Member
Seated: Left to Right
Linda Dagley, Secretary; DiAnne Hone, President; Nan Rock, 1st Vice President, Linda Stewart, 2nd Vice President
The Ladies Auxiliary of Branch No. 24 Bridgewater was founded more than 6 decades ago. The Prime Objective of the Ladies Auxiliary was and still is to be of assistance to the branch and help our veterans.
The Ladies Auxiliary of Br. # 24 have given many volunteer hours over the years. Today the membership has dropped drastically with only about 15 - 19 members attending meetings and the same 5 to 9 members doing the catering. Last year we had 63 functions, some large (125 plus) and smaller caterings. We were still able to give the Branch a large donation. We are able to cater at lower prices due to our volunteer workers who help us with our fundraising. All women 19 years and over are now eligible to join the Auxiliary.
Increasing our membership is our main goal for 2014. Branch and Associate Members invite your wives or partners to become members of your Auxiliary. Dues are $7.00 a year.
Looking forward to 2014,
Ladies Auxiliary President, Nan Rock
1947 - 2015
Celebrating 68 years of Service to our Branch and Community
Branch No. 24 Royal Canadian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary came into being largely through the efforts of the then Legion President, Everett Killam. The first Auxiliary slate of officers was installed on March 31st, 1947.
In the first years they conducted the door to door Poppy sales, entertained Camp Hill veterans who came to town on the Walter Callow Wheelchair bus; organized children's parades at the Exhibition; entered decorated boats in the water carnival; and the Legions Labour Day bazaars.
In 1955, a set of by-laws were drawn up and approved at a general meeting of the Auxiliary on September 13, 1961, by the Executive of the Branch in February, 1962, and by the Nova Scotia Command in September, 1962.
In 1972 the first Past Presidential pictures were placed in the display frame in celebration of the Ladies Auxiliary 25th anniversary.
The Auxiliary has been very supportive of Hillside Pines Home for Special Care. Five members of the Auxiliary were singularly honored, being presented with Meritorious Service Awards in November of 1985. Those in receipt were Yvonne Crouse, Ella Feener, Joan Crouse, Edith Rafuse and June Wentzell.
1986 was the year in which the Legion's 60th anniversary was celebrated across Canada. Branch No. 24 members and Auxiliary joined in many activities which helped to foster comradeship not only among our own members but the general community as well.
The membership has grown from 31 women to 161 women since 1947. 61 of those members have been presented with Life Membership certificates since 1979 - 20 of the women have passed away in the intervening years.
Many members have been most zealous in their support and have spent many, many hours in various activities - whether it be sports or the many of thousands of hours spent in catering weddings, dinners for local organizations, and meetings. Many members also assist with Legion activities - flea markets, strawberry suppers, children's bowling and selling poppies.
They have also sold several hundred Ladies Auxiliary cook books which feature recipes from across Canada. Over the past years a number of members have assisted with events which help to entertain residents of the Veteran's Unit at Fishermen's Memorial Hospital in Lunenburg, Nova Scotia.
Quite a few years ago the executive of the Bridgewater Auxiliary thought it would be an excellent idea to have a get-together of all the officers and executive members from the L. A. Branches throughout the Zone 13. This was the fore-runner of the Zone teas which are usually held early in June of each year, and a different Branch is the hostess Branch - these affairs are most enjoyable and enable members to get to know so many of their counterparts in other Branches.
On April 26th, 2014, the Ladies Auxilary of held a special celebration banquet and dance to honour their 67th year.
Members of the Ladies Auxiliary shall be available to assist the Branch in its activities and fund raising.
The ladies Auxilary are an integral part of the work the Legion is doing for veterans' and the community.
Membership is open to any lady of good character and is 19 years of age and over. Becoming an Auxiliary member can be a very rewarding experience. Applications can be picked up at Branch #24 Bridgewater.
Ladies Auxiliary are beginning to see much younger women join the Auxiliary - this has been made possible by the Legion Dominion Command who authorized the ruling that granddaughters of members could become members. They welcome these young women to their "ranks" and hope that before long they will be able to take the places of the "older" generation on the various active committees.
"Pride in Our Past - Faith in Our Future"
Branch No. 24 Ladies Auxiliary Year 2018
President: Linda Dagley
Past President: Nan Rock
1st Vice: (vacant)
2nd Vice: Evelyn Dorey
Secretary: Gwen Hebb
Treasurer: Maxine Himmelman
SGT-at -Arms: Jaqueline Legay
Chaplain: Linda Dagley
Executive at Large: Louise Aulenback, Teresa Getson, Beulah Piercey.