February 25, 2025
A Brief History of Branch 24
Branch No. 24 of the Canadian Legion of the British Empire Service league was organized. G. W. Bullock was elected President and G. F. Dolliver as Secretary-Treasurer. Meetings were held in three different locations, namely the old GWVA (Great War Veterans Association) rooms, the local Fire Hall and the Lodge at White Point Beach.
Meetings held over the Blue Rose Tea Room to revive the Branch.
Moved to the Masonic Hall. Plans were made to build their own Branch.
Celebrated 25th Anniversary.
November 11th, 1956, our original building was opened. The lot was donated by Comrade Harley Spence.
June 26th, 1959, the building was destroyed by fire.
Our present building was opened on April 22, 1960.
Burning of the final mortgage of the Legion Building. December 1st.
Official opening of the extension of the building, April 17th, 1971.
Another addition was put on our building under a work program for a Storage Room. In 1990 this room became our Historical Room.
The new addition was opened, September 8th, 1991
Branch No. 24 celebrates Seventy years.
Opening of the Veterans' Memorial Park.
Branch No. 24 celebrates Ninety years.
Honors & Awards
"On 6 August 1957, at RCAF Station Chatham, New Brunswick, a Sabre aircraft (23217) crashed on take-off and burst into flames at the west end of the airfield. Flight Lieutenant Marsh was proceeding by private motor car to this area at the time of the accident to pick up another pilot who had landed there because of technical trouble. When F/L Marsh observed the aircraft
disappear in a large mushroom of smoke, far off the end of the runway, he drove his car at high speed in the direction of the smoke and was able to reach a point within a 100 yards of the aircraft. F/L Marsh then proceeded on foot at a full run to the scene of the accident and circled the burning aircraft using natural cover to minimize the hazard from flames and exploding
ammunition, to determine beyond doubt that hope was lost. As he circled the aircraft he heard the pilot (S/L Frizzle) call for help.
With complete disregard for his own safety, F/L Marsh struggled through the bush to the cockpit area and saw the pilot lying halfway out of the aircraft; the aircraft being on its side. After trying unaided to extricate the pilot, F/L Marsh realized he could not carry out the rescue alone. Observing four persons in the distance, he called for help and four airmen immediately came to his assistance. With great difficulty and considerable risk, the five men extricated the pilot, who was complaining of a broken back, and moved him to safety in such a way that his injuries were not aggravated.
F/L Marsh's prompt and courageous rescue efforts undoubtedly largely contributed to saving the life of the pilot, who survived his injuries. The splendid courage displayed by Flight Lieutenant Marsh notwithstanding the extreme risk of serious injury or death warrants praise of the highest order."
Flight Lieutenant William James MARSH was awarded the George Medal for bravery.
Corporal Theodor Gkustav ONARHEIM was awarded Queen's Commendations for Brave Conduct
Leading Aircraftman John Joseph GOMMER was awarded Queen's Commendations for Brave Conduct
Leading Aircraftman Robert William HENDERSON was awarded Queen's Commendations for Brave Conduct
Leading Aircraftman David Clinton MEIER was awarded Queen's Commendations for Brave Conduct
The complete History of the Branch can be obtained from Branch No. 24 or by phoning: 1 (902) 543-3203 or e-mail: bwlegion@bwr.eastlink.ca
Past Presidents - Branch No. 24
G. W. Bullock BE, ED 1927-1940
G. H. Deckman 1941-1942
W. A. Bell 1943
J. N. Lyons DCM 1944
W. E. Varner 1945
E. D. Killam MM 1946-1947
F. W. Cook 1948
C. L. Wagner 1949-1950
Fred E. L. Fowke 1951-1952
A. B. Cushing 1953
A. A. Zwicker 1954
G. E. Mitchell 1955
R. L. DeMone 1956
Ev. Wentzell 1957-1958
Albert Munn 1959
Clary Nauss 1960-1961
J. Johnston 1962-1963
O. Feener 1964-1966
W. Lohnes 1967
G. Roberts 1968-1969
B. Churchill 1970-1971
L. Whynot 1972-1973
L. Lohnes 1974-1975
E. Conrad 1976-1978
C.R. Coughlan 1979-1980
Ray Frazee 1981-1982
William Kydd 1983-1984
Frank Hammond 1985-1986
D. Dolliver 1987-1988
L. Harmes 1989
Don Sutherland 1990-1991
D. McLean 1992
M. Smitherman 1993
Ray Penny 1994-1995
C. Westhaver 1996-1997
Earl Hebb 1998
Ray Penny 1999-2000
Jack Horton 2001- 2002
Roger Purnell 2003 - 2004
Calvin Mayo 2005 - 2006
Ken George 2007 - 2008
Sonny Hubley 2009 - 2010
Gary Wamboldt 2011 - 2012
Wayne Hunt 2013 - 2014
Sam Collicutt 2015 - 2016
Pat Kelly 2017
Wayne Thorburne 2018 - 2020
Daniel Beaudreau 2021 - 2024