February 25, 2025
Meet our President
Branch 24 Royal Canadian Legion in Bridgewater has a new President. The Branch held their annual election of officers at their meeting on December 01 2021 and Comrade Dan Beaudreau took over the top position for the upcoming year.
Comrade Dan has held various positions on the Executive since joining Branch 24 in 1999 and most recently was 1st Vice President and has been a very active member since joining. Dan was born in Sorel Quebec and studied Public Health Inspector at Ahuntsic College (St-Hubert, QC) before joining the Canadian Military in 1979. Dan served for 20 years in the military as a Medic & Preventive Medicine Technician before retiring
Comrade Dan has been very active as a community volunteer and was awarded the Volunteer Award from the Municipality District of Lunenburg in 2021. Dan is also involved with the local Sea Cadet Corps (62 NIOBE) and enjoys passing along his knowledge of the military to the young cadets. Dan brings a bilingual flavour to his role and is active in many Organizations such as Regroupement des Ainés de la Nouvelle-Écosse RANE, Committee (Central Region) of Réseau Santé de la Nouvelle-Écosse (RSNE), Fédération Nationale des Conseils Scolaires Francophones (FNCSF), Association du centre communautaire de la Rive-sud the Fédération des Acadiens de la Nouvelle-Écosse FANE. Dan can be found these days when not at Branch24, in the halls of (Centre Scolaire de la Rive-sud), CSAP, Conseil Scolaire Acadien Provincial, (French school in Cookville).
Comrade Dan is taking on the top job at the Branch at a time that is seeing many Legion Branches struggling due to the results of the COVID pandemic. Many of the events that would see the Branch 24 members coming together have been either put on hold or greatly reduced. Dan hopes that the Branch will weather this storm with the strength of the membership. Volunteer time for most people is at a reduced premium but Comrade Dan would like to send a message to the Branch 24 RCL membership and say the “we are not asking for all your time, just a little to assist in the many projects and functions the Branch must continue with to support our members and veterans”.
If you would like more information on joining Branch 24 RCL in Bridgewater or how you can help, please contact the Branch at info@bridgewaterlegion.ca or call 902-543-3203.