February 25, 2025
Comrade Susan Stark is the Service Officer for Bridgewater Branch No. 24 Legion.
The importance of having a Branch Service Officer in every Legion branch cannot be over-emphasized. This position can be elected or appointed to office. It takes many years of experience to become a good Service Officer and this is why continuity should receive consideration when electing or appointing a person to this office.
The duties of a Branch Service Officer are many and varied. They should attend all general meetings to act as advisor and counsel on "service" matters. Some of the particular aspects of Legion service work are:
The Branch Service Officer is not expected to know all the details of veterans' legislation, etc. That is why the Legion employs both Provincial and Dominion Command Service Officers to assist in this regard.
The Branch Service Officer is available to assist Serving members of the Canadian Military and RCMP, Veterans of WWII, Korean War, Afghanistan Wars, Peacekeeping, RCMP and Reservists. We also assist Widows and family members of the foregoing.
Contact Comrade Susan Stark:
78 Churchill Street
Bridgewater, Nova Scotia
B4V 1R7
Phone (902) 543-3203
Fax (902) 543- 4741
E-Mail: info@bridgewaterlegion.ca